Belapur Ki Dayan is a Pakistani Horror drama, Thriller, Mystery Drama series directed by Saife Hassan, that was Released on 15 February on Hum TV, Hum Network Limited. The Drama Series star Adnan Siddiqui, Sarah Khan, and Amar Khan are in title roles. Here’s the complete Analysis of Belapur Ki Dayan cast and crew, storyline, Budget, OTT Response, and More.
Belapur Ki Dayan(2018) Drama Series Analysis: Release Date, Story, Plot, Episodes, Cast, Timing, Actors Salary, Actors Net Worth, Budget, OTT Response, Trailer, Songs, Awards, Review, Ratings & More
Show Info | |
Genre | Horror drama, Thriller, Mystery |
Created by | Momina Duraid Productions |
Star Cast | Adnan Siddiqui Sarah Khan Amar Khan |
Directed by | Saife Hassan |
Producers | Momina Duraid |
Production companies | Momina Duraid Productions |
Distributor | Hum Network Limited |
Country | Pakistan |
Channel | Hum TV, Hum Network Limited |
Original release | 15 February –28 June 2018 |
Day | Monday to Friday (5 Days in a week) |
Table of Contents
Belapur Ki Dayan Drama Series Storyline
The protagonist of the tale is Aziz, who recently relocated to his ancestral home after defeating his step brother in a 32-year legal fight. His step sister Nilofar’s ghost appears to be the ghostly presence disturbing his entire family in the home. Nilofar seeks retribution from him for an offence committed in the past. She tortures and disrupts his family’s lives as a result of them being in her house. In order to badly impact Natasha, also known as Tasha, the daughter of Aziz, she corrupts her spirits and takes control of her body. In the meantime, the mysterious spirits, notably Nelofar, are seriously interfering in the lives of Aziz’s son Rameez, his wife Aliya, son Wajdan, and daughter Mannat.
Belapur Ki Dayan Drama Series Release and OTT Response
Neelo’s decision to save Tasha and Wajdaan allowed her to resurrect. It all works out in the end. Rameez made the decision to start again by returning to his former apartment, leaving everything behind.
Belapur Ki Dayan Cast, Crew, Role, Salary, Remuneration & Net Worth
Here are the complete details of actors and actresses names in the Web Series.
1. Adnan Siddiqui as Shakir
Info | Shakir |
Real Name | Adnan Siddiqui |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Rs. 28-35 crores + |
2. Sarah Khan as Natasha aka Tasha
Info | Natasha aka Tasha |
Real Name | Sarah Khan |
Salary Per Episode | Rs. 2 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 28 crores + |
3. Amar Khan as Neelofur
Info | Neelofur |
Real Name | Amar Khan |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
4. Osama Tahir as Rameez
Info | Rameez |
Real Name | Osama Tahir |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
5. Shakeel as Aziz Ahmed (Old)
Info | Aziz Ahmed (Old) |
Real Name | Shakeel |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
6. Irfan Khoosat as Rehmat (Old)
Info | Rehmat (Old) |
Real Name | Irfan Khoosat |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
7. Rayyan Ibrahim as Aliya
Info | Aliya |
Real Name | Rayyan Ibrahim |
Salary Per Episode | Rs. 70k + |
Net Worth | Not known |
8. Ismat Zaidi as Salima
Info | Salima |
Real Name | Ismat Zaidi |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
9. Rashid Mehmood as Karamat (Dead)
Info | Karamat (Dead) |
Real Name | Rashid Mehmood |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
10. Sajida Syed as Raeesa
Info | Raeesa |
Real Name | Sajida Syed |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
Belapur Ki Dayan Drama Series Awards
Awards | Category | Recipients |
NA | NA | NA |
Belapur Ki Dayan Drama Series Videos
Belapur Ki Dayan Drama Series Promo
Belapur Ki Dayan Drama Series Review
The two women, Sarah Khan and Amar Khan, deserve praise for carrying Belapur Ki Dayan so skillfully on their shoulders. Every time the two women shared the screen together, we got shivers. Amar Khan and Sarah Khan, who played the possessor and the possessed, were outstanding. In particular, Amar impressed with her seamless transition from the innocent Neelo to the ravaging Dayan.
Disclaimer: The Data is collected from various sources and some from our own research. These data can be estimated and Primes World does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.