Hania is a Pakistani action thriller Drama series directed by Qasim Ali Mureed, that was Released on 21 February on ARY Digital. The Drama Series star Junaid Khan, Zoya Nasir, Ghana Ali, Osama Tahir, and Atiqa Odho are in title roles. The music was composed by Vishal-Shekhar. Here’s the complete Analysis of Hania cast and crew, storyline, Budget, OTT Response, and More.
Hania (2019) Drama Series Analysis: Release Date, Story, Plot, Episodes, Cast, Timing, Actors Salary, Actors Net Worth, Budget, OTT Response, Trailer, Songs, Awards, Review, Ratings & More
Show Info | |
Genre | Drama |
Star Cast | Junaid Khan Zoya Nasir Ghana Ali Osama Tahir Atiqa Odho |
Directed by | Qasim Ali Mureed |
Producers | Humayun Saeed Shahzad Nasib |
Production companies | Six Sigma Plus |
Distributor | ARY Television Network |
Country | Pakistan |
Channel | ARY Digital |
Original release | 21 February – 31 August 2019 |
Day | Monday to Friday (5 Days in a week) |
Table of Contents
Hania Drama Series Storyline
The leads come from various social classes. In contrast to Junaid, who is from the upper class and appears to operate a restaurant, Hania comes from a well-educated middle-class family. Future episodes will reveal Junaid’s shadowy side of his company. With their parents’ approval, the couple marries in a lavish ceremony.
The members of Hania’s family include her parents, Waseem Abbas and Ismat Jamal, and her younger sister Maira, played by Ghana Ali and known for her ambition and directness. She is wed to Talal, the son of her Khala, but she is delaying the ceremony because she wants to become a doctor. With their father Ehsan, who enjoys teaching females, both daughters have a close relationship, while their mother is rather ordinary.
Hania Drama Series Release and OTT Response
It began airing on Thursday nights, moved to Friday nights during Ramadan, and then, following Ramadan, to Saturday nights at 9:00 p.m. It centres on enigmatic occurrences that take place in Junaid Shah’s home.
Hania Cast, Crew, Role, Salary, Remuneration & Net Worth
Here are the complete details of actors and actresses names in the Web Series.
1. Junaid Khan as Junaid Shah (Dead)
Info | Junaid Shah (Dead) |
Real Name | Junaid Khan |
Salary Per Episode | Rs. 2 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 14 crores + |
2.Zoya Nasir as Hania Junaid/Rohan
Info | Hania Junaid/Rohan |
Real Name | Zoya Nasir |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Rs. 21 crores + |
3. Ghana Ali as Maira
Info | Maira |
Real Name | Ghana Ali |
Salary Per Episode | Rs. 2 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 28 crores + |
4. Osama Tahir as Rohan
Info | Rohan |
Real Name | Osama Tahir |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
5. Atiqa Odho as Saira
Info | Saira |
Real Name | Atiqa Odho |
Salary Per Episode | Rs. 80k + |
Net Worth | Rs. 35 crores + |
6. Nayyar Ejaz as Vohra Sahab
Info | Vohra Sahab |
Real Name | Nayyar Ejaz |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Rs. 7 crores + |
7. Mariam Mirza as Junaid’s mother
Info | Junaid’s mother |
Real Name | Mariam Mirza |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
8. Waseem Abbas as Ahsan
Info | Ahsan |
Real Name | Waseem Abbas |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
9. Ismat Iqbal as Jameela
Info | Jameela |
Real Name | Ismat Iqbal |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
10. Firdous Jamal as Fareed
Info | Fareed |
Real Name | Firdous Jamal |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
Hania Drama Series Awards
Awards | Category | Recipients |
NA | NA | NA |
Hania Drama Series Videos
Hania Drama Series Promo
Hania Drama Series Review
The drama finished on a rather enigmatic note, with Hania interjecting as Junaid spoke to an unidentified caller in the wee hours of the morning. Although his character has several levels of negativity linked to it, Junaid Khan has undoubtedly picked a hard part this time. However, in light of his great performance in this episode, we are confident he will prove his mettle. The new actress Zoya Nasir is succeeding as well, and we have no doubt that she will soon achieve success.
The sneak peeks for the upcoming episode were cruel and revealed that Hania and Junaid’s relationship was deteriorating as she began to question him about the family’s dubious financial dealings, to which he retaliated by abusing her physically.
Disclaimer: The Data is collected from various sources and some from our own research. These data can be estimated and Primes World does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.