Baba Jani is a Pakistani Family Drama, Romantic drama Drama series directed by Ali Faizan, that was Released on 12 November 2019 on Geo TV. The Drama Series star Faysal Qureshi, Savera Nadeem, Saba Hameed, Madiha Imam, and Jinaan Hussain are in title roles. Here’s the complete Analysis of Baba Jani cast and crew, storyline, Budget, OTT Response, and More.
Baba Jani (2019) Drama Series Analysis: Release Date, Story, Plot, Episodes, Cast, Timing, Actors Salary, Actors Net Worth, Budget, OTT Response, Trailer, Songs, Awards, Review, Ratings & More
Show Info | |
Genre | Family Drama Romantic drama |
Written by | Faiza Iftikhar |
Star Cast | Faysal Qureshi Savera Nadeem Saba Hameed Madiha Imam Jinaan Hussain |
Directed by | Ali Faizan |
Producers | Faysal Qureshi Abdul Qadir Shah |
Production companies | Connect Studios |
Country | Pakistan |
Channel | Geo TV |
Original release | 8 September 2018 – 28 February 2019 |
Running time | 40 minutes |
Day | Monday to Friday (5 Days in a week) |
Table of Contents
Baba Jani Drama Series Storyline
The story of a family in “Baba Jani” involves two parents who passed away, leaving Asfand as the lone brother to take care of three sisters. He wants to marry his love now that he has married all the sisters, but the cunning sisters prevent it from happening. In the end, she marries another person, and he likewise chooses to wed another person. One of his buddies advises him to marry a lady who is quite young compared to his own age. His sisters feel awful and decide not to attend his wedding, which saddens him a lot. The family’s position was so poor that he decided to marry her mother instead. His sisters continue to work to ruin his marriage.
Baba Jani Drama Series Release and OTT Response
The conversation in “Baba Jani” accurately reflects contemporary society, and the narrative is well-written. The narrative is not at all jumbled. Each move in the narrative appears inevitable. Even though the novel has several turning points, they all feel so natural that one accepts them as they occur.
Baba Jani Cast, Crew, Role, Salary, Remuneration & Net Worth
Here are the complete details of actors and actresses names in the Web Series.
1. Faysal Qureshi as Asfand
Info | Asfand |
Real Name | Faysal Qureshi |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Rs. 21 crores + |
2. Madiha Imam as Nimra
Info | Nimra |
Real Name | Madiha Imam |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Rs. 22 crores + |
3. Savera Nadeem as Sadia
Info | Sadia |
Real Name | Savera Nadeem |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Rs. 56 crores + |
4. Saba Hameed as Najeeba
Info | Najeeba |
Real Name | Saba Hameed |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
5. Faryal Mehmood as Mehwish
Info | Mehwish |
Real Name | Faryal Mehmood |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Rs. 7 crores + |
6. Tipu Sharif as nasir
Info | nasir |
Real Name | Tipu Sharif |
Salary Per Episode | Rs. 2 lakh + |
Net Worth | Not known |
7. Jinaan Hussain as Naila
Info | Naila |
Real Name | Jinaan Hussain |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
8. Aamir Qureshi as saqib
Info | saqib |
Real Name | Aamir Qureshi |
Salary Per Episode | Rs. 3 lakh + |
Net Worth | Not known |
9. Mariya Khan as Rakhshanda
Info | Rakhshanda |
Real Name | Mariya Khan |
Salary Per Episode | Rs. 3 lakh + |
Net Worth | Not known |
10. Adla Khan as Nabeela
Info | Nabeela |
Real Name | Adla Khan |
Salary Per Episode | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
Baba Jani Drama Series Awards
Awards | Category | Recipients |
NA | NA | NA |
Baba Jani Drama Series Videos
Baba Jani Drama Series Promo
Baba Jani Drama Series Review
This drama series features some excellent acting, catchy music, and compelling plot. This drama’s character relationships are remarkably accurate to life. This makes it a terrific and worthwhile drama to see. The performers brought it to life, and their portrayal is remarkably accurate. This play comes pretty close to reflecting the reality of Pakistani society. Asfand occasionally appears to be acting foolishly, yet his actions always turn out to be carefully thought out. He does a good job of his job.
Each performer does a good job in their assigned role, and occasionally the viewer feels a part of the drama. One becomes interested and anticipates the upcoming episode.
Disclaimer: The Data is collected from various sources and some from our own research. These data can be estimated and Primes World does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.