Locked is an Indian Hindi-language Crime Thriller Drama web series directed by Pradeep Deva Kumar, that was Released on 25 March 2020 on Aha. The Web Series star Satyadev Kancharana, Samyukta Hornad, Sri Lakshmi, Keshav Deepak, Aberaam Varma, Vasu Inturi, Bindu Pagidimarri, and, John Kottoly are in title roles. The music was composed by Vishal-Shekhar. Here’s the complete Analysis of Locked cast and crew, storyline, Budget, OTT Response and More.
Locked (2021) Full Web Series Analysis: Release Date, Story, Plot, Episodes, Cast, Actors Salary, Actors Net Worth, Budget, OTT Response, Trailer, Songs, Awards, Review, Ratings & More
Info | |
Genre | Crime Thriller Drama |
Language | Hindi |
Directed by | Pradeep Deva Kumar |
Star Cast | Satyadev Kancharana Samyukta Hornad Sri Lakshmi Keshav Deepak Aberaam Varma Vasu Inturi Bindu Pagidimarri John Kottoly |
Producers | K.S. Madhubala Shanmuga Raja |
Production companies | Tribal Horse Entertainment |
Written by | Pradeep Deva Kumar |
Cinematography | Nijai Gowthaman |
Edited by | Prasanna GK |
Country | India |
Original network | Aha |
Original release | 25 March 2020 – present |
Table of Contents
Locked Web Series Storyline
Because of his vast study into brain operations, Dr. Anand Chakravarthy is a successful neurosurgeon who has never lost a patient. One day, he rescues a youngster who was in severe condition before heading home. However, Siva, a taxi driver who attempted suicide when his relationship ended because he had no money, joined a gang to loot bachelor’s houses, and Padmini, a thief who wants money to give her grandchild a happy life, employs Vaishnavi, a former IT worker who wants to care for her mentally ill sister. To commit a robbery, they broke into Anand’s home. They attempt to outwit Anand after much confusion, but eventually he captures them and imprisons them in a chamber.
Locked Web Series Release and OTT Response
The first season’s seven episodes debuted on Aha on March 25, 2020. June 2021. The seven-episode series gets off to a hesitant start as it attempts to define its main characters. The great neurosurgeon Anand Chakravarthy is shown as having several methods for rescuing a patient. Vaishnavi and her crew come up with clever and practical schemes to steal money from individuals. Locked is a gripping thriller that sometimes drags. Your whole attention is required at all times since the plot involving Anand and Vaishnavi’s gang jumps around.
Locked Cast, Crew, Role, Salary, Remuneration & Net Worth
Here are the complete details of actors and actresses names in the Web Series.
1. Satyadev Kancharana as Dr. Anand Chakravarthy
Info | Dr. Anand Chakravarthy |
Real Name | Satyadev Kancharana |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 9 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 35 crores + |
2.Samyukta Hornad as Vaishnavi
Info | Vaishnavi |
Real Name | Samyukta Hornad |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 8 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 14 crores + |
3.Keshav Deepak as Dr. Misbah
Info | Dr. Misbah |
Real Name | Keshav Deepak |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 7 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 14 crores + |
4. Aberaam Varma as Avinash
Info | Avinash |
Real Name | Aberaam Varma |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 5 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 14 crores + |
5. Vasu Inturi as Inspector Sivalingam
Info | Inspector Sivalingam |
Real Name | Vasu Inturi |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 6 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 10 crores + |
6. Bindu Pagidimarri as Fatima
Info | Fatima |
Real Name | Bindu Pagidimarri |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 4 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 10 crores + |
7. John Kottoly as Unnamed henchman
Info | Unnamed henchman |
Real Name | John Kottoly |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 4 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 10 crores + |
8. Pradeep Yarlagadda as victim’s father
Info | victim’s father |
Real Name | Pradeep Yarlagadda |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 5 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 15 crores + |
9. Sri Divya as victim’s mother
Info | victim’s mother |
Real Name | Sri Divya |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 6 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 14 crores + |
Locked Web Series Awards
Awards | Category | Recipients |
NA | NA | NA |
Locked Web Series Videos
Locked Web Series Trailer
Locked Web Series Review
There seems to be a moral conundrum that the miniseries poses to the audience below the rambling storyline and plot. Does it justified the disruption it causes if something horrible is done for the greater good? But when you make connections and consider the issue, the murderer is identified, leaving you to wonder why you ever tried.
A nice storyline strategy is to start each episode with a character’s background and then tie it into their motivation in the present, but Pradeep spends much too much time developing his characters, particularly because not all of them are as engaging as Dr. Anand. But as the episodes go on, things start to become strange, and it becomes a bit more difficult to keep going. Even while there is enough of gore to satisfy horror enthusiasts who like the genre, the way it all finishes nearly makes it feel worthless.
However, Locked gives the effect that it does because Telugu is a new language and because it stays faithful to the narrative it intends to communicate. Satyadev’s acting carries the whole miniseries, switching effortlessly between all the facets of his persona.
Disclaimer: The Data is collected from various sources and some from our own research. These data can be estimated and Primes World does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.